Tuesday 10 September 2019


hunter's writer's profile

Hi, my name is Hunter and I go to Hokitika Primary School.` I like reading farm books with motorbikes in them because I live on a farm and like motorbikes. Motorbikes are fun to ride on and I am good at doing jumps and donuts. My favourite cow is called O. She's nice and friendly. Writer’s Workshop has helped me with my writing. It also helped me to use my Chromebook to write stories.

the farm

Hi, my name is Hunter and I live on the outskirts of Hokitika on a farm. Our farm is a dairy farm. We lease a block which is a 20-minute drive past the Hokitika Gorge. I’ve got a Motorbike it is a Honda 70. One day I was riding on the farm, in one of the creeks, when the chain fell off! Dad had to get the tractor to tow the motorbike back to the shed because he had to cut some links out of the chain which was too long. The next day we got up to feed the calves. When a calf sucks on your hand it feels slimy, it feels slobbery. It is warm. It feels strange and it feels weird. I wear rubber gloves so I don’t get slobber on my hands. It’s gross it’s sticky and it stinks. The farm is fun because there is always something to do.